Balancas Marques
ptfres CN

For more than 50 years, Balanças Marques has the ability to develop products in the area of commercial and industrial weighing, incorporating the latest technological trends and meeting the real needs of our clients in the most different commercial and industrial environments.

It’s dedicated to the Research and Development of Software for retail and industry. Created and joined in the Group in 2010.

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Acquisition in 2004 of the entire share capital of EUROPESAGEM - Comércio Internacional de Balanças, Lda, a company specialized in the distribution of commercial and industrial weighing equipment (Founded in 2001).

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Lx Pack

Official representative of the German brand ESPERA, of weighing and labeling equipment. Created in 2011.

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Balanças Marques


All aboutBalanças marques

Grupo José Pimenta Marques continua a apoiar a educação dos filhos dos colaboradores com entrega de kit escolar

PCM M1500e eleita a melhor báscula de pesar camiões do mundo

Balanças Marques at InterWEIGHING

Balanças Marques elected the Best Weighing Company in the world

Balanças Marques makes a very positive assessment of the fair in Dubai

Balanças Marques' expectations exceeded at fair in Egypt

Balanças Marques returned optimistic from Hannover Messe

Balanças Marques with auspicious debut at UK fairs

Balanças Marques makes a very positive assessment of participation in international fairs

Balanças Marques creates training academy for employees and customers

Balanças Marques elected the Best Weighing Company in the World in 2021

Balanças Marques is the largest exporter of scales in Portugal

Balanças Marques remains on top of the weighing world

Balanças Marques launches online store

Balanças Marques on both sides of the Atlantic

Balanças Marques wins PME Trophy in the Luso-French Trophies 2019

International recognition confirmed at InterWeighing

Grupo José Pimenta Marques family gets together once more

Balanças Marques elected the best weighing company in the world

Balanças Marques elected the second best weighing company in the world

Balanças Marques presents a positive balance of its participation in the largest world weighing fair

Balanças Marques launches mobile weighing application

Balanças Marques launches BM5 50th Anniversary Edition

Balanças Marques bet in InterWeighing is to keep

Balanças Marques elected the third best weighing company in the world!

SIRHA confirmed the growth of Balanças Marques in France

Balanças Marques weighing software adapted to the new SOLAS regulations

Balanças Marques integrates European Association of Weighing Instruments Manufacturers

Balanças Marques products win international weighing awards

Balanças Marques in China