Balancas Marques
ptfres CN

For more than 50 years, Balanças Marques has the ability to develop products in the area of commercial and industrial weighing, incorporating the latest technological trends and meeting the real needs of our clients in the most different commercial and industrial environments.

It’s dedicated to the Research and Development of Software for retail and industry. Created and joined in the Group in 2010.

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Acquisition in 2004 of the entire share capital of EUROPESAGEM - Comércio Internacional de Balanças, Lda, a company specialized in the distribution of commercial and industrial weighing equipment (Founded in 2001).

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Lx Pack

Official representative of the German brand ESPERA, of weighing and labeling equipment. Created in 2011.

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Balanças Marques


On the Walk of Fame, in Marqueswood (also known as Balanças Marques), are the best weighing solutions for your business. Come find out everything about two of our big stars! 

Marqueswood (also known as Balanças Marques) is the land of Weighing par excellence. There, you can find the big protagonists of the world of scales and weighbridges and you’ll have the opportunity to see them up close, marching on the red carpet, with the elegance, the determination, and the precision that characterizes them so well.

International stars, some are all around the world and are famous for their performance on weighing productions and for the awards they have already won.

Today find out everything about two of our weighing solutions that have already earned the status of legends on retail and industry: 

BM5 ARM Scale
With partipation on the funny “Night at the Supermarket” and the well-known saga “Scale Wars”, our commercial scale BM5 ARM is, since its premiere, a success on the weighing world for retail.
Versatile, this scale has already played diverse roles and has always showed that it can adapt to any challenge and scenario, whether on a butchery, a fruit shop, or a fishmongers. Its performance does not fool anyone and reveals clearly all the talent of its ARM technology and its backstage work to develop skills in weighing, labelling, and billing. 
Their brand image is their bold design, with the classic tones of black and silver and simple lines. This scale wants to maintain the elegance in any circumstance, without neglecting the performance, which has guarenteed it several awards.
Over the last few years, BM5 ARM has won the Weighing Oscar for Best Retail Scale on several consecutive editions of Weighing Review Awards, having conquered a very favorable opinion of the critics and, of course, the audience’s heart. 

Weighbridge PCM M1500e
The weighbridge PCM M1500e has won its own star on the Walk of Fame, soon after its premiere on the industrial weighing world.
Strong and robust, this weighbridge is part of the main cast on every kind of demanding scenarios, in the most diverse industries. Used to work long hours and even outdoors, it constantly shows its resilience in every challenge and it’s capable of supporting the heaviest loads without never disappointing. 
With brilliant performances on many productions with weight, it’s one of those weighbridges that values the teamwork and adapts fast and easily to its role. The PCM M1500e is endowed with a great versatility and is always ready to install itself in any space in a short time, revealing itself as an asset to the weighing of all kinds of trucks. 
At last, it is no coincidence that our PCM M1500e has already won many Weighing Review Awards editions and today counts with a collection of Weighing Oscars for Best Weighbridge/Truck scale. 

Now that you know more about two of Balanças Marques stars, you can’t resist to hire the ideal equipment for the weighing cast in your business on the retail or industry. Contact us to find out everything and have the chance to work with these big protagonists of the world of scales and weighbridges.