Balancas Marques
ptfres CN

For more than 50 years, Balanças Marques has the ability to develop products in the area of commercial and industrial weighing, incorporating the latest technological trends and meeting the real needs of our clients in the most different commercial and industrial environments.

It’s dedicated to the Research and Development of Software for retail and industry. Created and joined in the Group in 2010.

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Acquisition in 2004 of the entire share capital of EUROPESAGEM - Comércio Internacional de Balanças, Lda, a company specialized in the distribution of commercial and industrial weighing equipment (Founded in 2001).

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Lx Pack

Official representative of the German brand ESPERA, of weighing and labeling equipment. Created in 2011.

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Balanças Marques


“Health is a Topic with Weight” for Balanças Marques. And for this reason, in 2021, the year we’ve dedicated to this theme, we’ve also prepared an entire week to promote a healthy lifestyle between our employees, with a range of initiatives.

More than ever, in 2020, we all discovered the importance of Health. And, at Balanças Marques, we decided that the year of 2021 was the ideal time to highlight this Topic with Weight and reinforce our actions in favor of our employee’s well-being. 

So, throughout the year, there were many the initiatives that we organized to promote Health within our Family – including our Health Week.

Taking advantage of the commemorative dates related to the topic, from October 10 to 15th, we had a week full of healthy moments focused on what we believe to be our greatest asset: the Human Resources. So, during those days: 

•    We talked about Mental Health and well-being at work.
Taking World Mental Health Day as motto, which is celebrated on October 10th, we took the chance to approach the theme with our employees. We wanted to understand how they feel after all the obstacles that this pandemic brought. We wanted to hear them and find, with them, mechanisms to improve their overall well-being, specially at work. So, we implemented a survey and provided a suggestions box in order for them to share, anonymously, some of their concerns and proposals about Mental Health. 

•    We gave them a hand towards a Healthier Diet.
Aware that Food is one of the foundations to a healthy lifestyle, during our Health Week, we gave our employees a hand to take care of themselves in a nutritional level too. On October 11th, we offered a set of balanced easy to prepare recipes and snacks. And, in these days, our employees also had the chance to enjoy discounts and offers in EAT FIT meals and they even got a lunch to show that is possible to eat dishes that are both tasty and healthy.

•    We encouraged workout.
Physical exercise is also essential to a healthy life and, at Balanças Marques, since 2017 that we encourage it, almost weekly. After a break due to the pandemic, we choose our Health Week to restart our weekly Functional Training classes. On October 13th, we counted on the presence of our Personal Trainer that, as always, gave us relaxed moments together and a hour of physical activity that our employees were missing. 

•    We offered Vision and Nutrition Check-ups.
Health has several dimensions and the best way to take care of them all is to monitor each one regularly. So, on October 14th, Worlds Sight Day, in our facilities, we welcomed a professional team from Central Ópticas for a Sight Check-up for our employees. And, on October 15th, the day that precedes World Food Day, we also had a nutritionist from Araújo Rodrigues Pharmacy for a Nutrition Check-up. 

•    We reminded them about the importance of Handwashing.
When talking about Health, prevention is key. And Handwashing, whose day is celebrated on October 15th, is a fundamental step to prevent the spread of many diseases. For this reason, on our Health Week, we offered our employees an explanatory flyer and a portable box with sheets of soap to remind them of the importance of sanitizing our hands and to simplify that moment wherever they are. 

•    We celebrated Pink October.
The Pink October is Breast Cancer Prevention Month and a date that we had to celebrate, so we included it in our Health Week. Aiming to give out a warning about the risk factors of this type of cancer and the importance of an early diagnosis, we handed out an explanatory flyer from Liga Portuguesa contra o Cancro (Portuguese League Against Cancer). 

And so it was the 2021 Health Week at Balanças Marques! A week entirely dedicated to a Topic with Weight and really focused in one of the essential elements of our work and success: our Family – our employees.