Balancas Marques
ptfres CN

For more than 50 years, Balanças Marques has the ability to develop products in the area of commercial and industrial weighing, incorporating the latest technological trends and meeting the real needs of our clients in the most different commercial and industrial environments.

It’s dedicated to the Research and Development of Software for retail and industry. Created and joined in the Group in 2010.

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Acquisition in 2004 of the entire share capital of EUROPESAGEM - Comércio Internacional de Balanças, Lda, a company specialized in the distribution of commercial and industrial weighing equipment (Founded in 2001).

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Lx Pack

Official representative of the German brand ESPERA, of weighing and labeling equipment. Created in 2011.

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Balanças Marques


Sustainability is on the agenda. And, at Balanças Marques, we’re also part of the movement with more sustainable weighing solutions. Find them out.

Following the market’s trends and needs, at Balanças Marques, we’ve been working on the development of more environment-friendly products for quite some time. On our catologue, you can find several products conceived to help you fight waste, pollution and climate changes.

So we present you several Marques weighing solutions that are ready to help you o the mission of transforming your company into a more sustainable business:

-  Commercial scales for in bulk weighing
In bulk weighing may just seem another trend. But it’s here to stay. In Spain, as a result from the prohibition on the use of disposable plastic bags, it will be mandatory from 2023.

And at Balanças Marques, you can find the solution: the Zero Waste. A functionality on the BM5 commercial scales that makes the whole weighing process easier with the with the utmost respect for the environment.

This alternative allows to register the weight of the empty disposable packages on a RFID tag and, after being filled, remove the value of the tara immediately, through the simple reading of the tag, on a robust and durable equipment. Which means that you can streamline the process without the need to print labels or any paper, since even the invoice is sent by email. 

- Weighbridges with solar energy  
For the time being, weighbridges are, mostly, dependent on the electric network of the country they are in.

But, on the market, there are other kind of solutions like auto sustainable weighbridges, which use uniquely renewable power sources – as is the case of the solution with solar panels we developed for Granfer

This option means more autonomy for your company and your weighbridge, avoiding electrical networks’ failure (and monthy expenses). And, of course, it has the big advantage of contributing (at least a little bit) to the planet’ sustainability, since solar energy is considered to be a clean and renewable source of energy, being an alternative to fossil fuels.

- Scales with linerless printers
Yes, there are many people who prefer scales with the “traditional” labels’ printer.

But truth is linerless labellers, available on our BM5 commercial scales, are a much more sustainable (and even economical option).

This alternative reduces to zero the completely useless, not recyclable, paper you have to take off to use the labels, besides being able to print in the exact dimensions you need. And all of this translates into saving. A single linerless roll brings twice as paper ready to label, saving you space on transport and warehouse, time on your store, and, mostly, saving the environment of a huge amount of waste.


So, with both products, we can have some kind of role on developing our companies and Earth on a more sustainable way. Because, here, at Balanças Marques, we don’t just want to be the best in the world, we also want to be the best for the world.

Contact us to find out more about each one of our sustainable weighing solutions.